You May Think I’m A Crazy Cat Lady
Well maybe I’m a little crazy when it comes to quilting and I do love my both cats, so maybe I’m a Crazy Quilter Cat Lady 🙂
Quilts Are Like A Magnet

My husband and I noticed because we both have our own lap quilts for our living room, that both cats, Yodie & Laylee, love to cuddle in our quilts when we are using them.
However, Laylee (the female) likes to cover herself with the throw I had in her bed. She digs at the throw until she can cover herself. Perhaps because she is getting old she feels cold, but then she is laying on the wicker bottom and it’s not soft.

I decided to make her a quilt made from leftover fabrics, some microfibre material, and some extra polyester batting to make it nice and puffy. I put it in her bed and within a short period of time she covered herself over.
Here is Laylee all warm and cuddly using her new quilt.
What About The Male Cat – Where Is His Bed

Okay, Yodie, my male cat, decided to use my lap quilt and make his own bed. He pulled my lap quilt down behind the love seat and presto….he made a nice nest for himself.
Of course, this was not acceptable and I chased him out, but just had to take a picture before I reclaimed my lap quilt. You gotta admit he did a great job!

Litter Mates Do Everything Together
Here is another picture of my fur babies sharing my quilt. I guess I am a Crazy Quilter Cat Lady lol